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Inversions Workshop with Carson Clay

vie, 24 ene


Hara yoga studio

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Inversions Workshop with Carson Clay
Inversions Workshop with Carson Clay

Horario y ubicación

24 ene 2020, 18:00 – 26 ene 2020, 20:00

Hara yoga studio, Via Augusta, 165, 08021 Barcelona, España


Acerca del evento

Carson Clay vuelve a Hara Yoga Studio!


24-25-26 Enero



- 6pm - 8pm: clase de Rocket yoga



- 10 am - 12:30 pm: Taller de equilibrios de brazos e inversiones de nivel 1

-  2 pm - 4:30 pm: Taller de equilibrio de brazos e inversiones de nivel 2



 - 10am - 12:30 pm: Taller de aprender a flotar

 - 2pm - 4:30 pm: Taller de yoga para la fuerza y ​​la movilidad

- English - 


24-25-26 January



6pm – 8pm: Rocket Yoga Class



10 am – 12:30 pm: Level 1 Arm-Balances and Inversions Workshop

 2 pm – 4:30 pm: Level 2 Arm-Balances and Inversions Workshop



 10 am – 12:30 pm: Learn to Float Workshop

 2 pm – 4:30 pm: Yoga for Strength & Mobility Workshop


Each Masterclass: 35€ Early Bird ( before December 24 ) / 50 € Full price

Full Workshop: 160€

(Price do not include IVA)


-The schedules are those that appear on the page.

-It is the obligation of every student to abide by all the relevant safety rules and to operate within our facilities with due care and safety, Hara Yoga Studio and teachers are not responsible for any injury or illness.

-If you dont have made the payment the place will not be reserved, you can do it directly in our center (Vía Augusta 165, BCN) or bank transfer, do not forget to add the name of the participant, name of the event and name of the workshop, remember to send your voucher to our email:


Payment Information:

WLN Yoga S.L.

BBVA ES4101820222190201807457

- Non-refundable and the tickets do not include tax.



  • Rocket Class / Carson

    35,00 €
    Venta finalizada
  • Arm balance & Inv 1 / Carson

    35,00 €
    Venta finalizada
  • Armb Balance & Inv 2 / Carson

    35,00 €
    Venta finalizada
  • Learn to float / Carson

    35,00 €
    Venta finalizada
  • Strength & mobility

    35,00 €
    Venta finalizada
  • Full Workshop/ Carson

    160,00 €
    Venta finalizada


0,00 €

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